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Friends Having Pizza

Our Dine Out Business Club

Each year, we host a charity fundraising night at Mulan, Morpeth, during Chinese New Year to raise funds for HospiceCare. This has proven so successful for both the Hospice and Mulan, that we are now keen to extend the opportunity to work in partnership with other local restaurants.

How does it work?
You chose an evening or lunchtime that suits your restaurant, it could be mid-week or out of season. You fix a price for the meal donating a percentage to the Hospice. For those who offer takeaway food, you could perhaps dedicate a week where the Hospice gets a percentage of each sale. The amount you donate to the Hospice is not fixed.

How does the Hospice Help Your Business?
We sell the tickets for you fundraising meal in advance and manage the online and offline marketing, giving your restaurant some great PR in the process across our social media platforms and on our website. On the night, HospiceCare fundraisers will be in attendance to meet and greet and also run a raffle to raise additional funds. It’s great fun and everyone, usually around 60-80 people, get into the spirit of the evening enjoying a fabulous meal knowing they are supporting a worthy local cause.

Why we need your support
We deliver Hospice at Home End-of-Life and Respite Care to adults and their families, over the age of 18 living with a palliative diagnosis We also provide Bereavement and Dementia Support Services. All our care is delivered free at the point of need, but to enable us to do this we need to raise over £1.4m this year and will only get a 5% donation from the NHS. The rest we have to find from donations, fundraising, legacies, trusts, and our charity shops. Local business have become a vital income stream for the Hospice and so any monies that can be raised either directly or indirectly, however large or small, makes a big difference.

Can we come and chat with you?​

If joining our Charity Dine Out Business Club is something you might be interested in, then we would love to come and have a chat with you about how a partnership with HospiceCare can be mutually beneficial. There’s no formal commitment in doing so, but at the very least it gives us an opportunity to talk about our care services in your community. 


Please call Beth Monday - Friday 9am -4.30pm on

T. 01665 606515 or T. 01289 309997

or email via the link below...​


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